Players guide: How to buy a plot on Spawn Area?
KMGCRAFT has a player shop plot market on the spawn area. If you want to buy a plot on the spawn area. You have to buy one plot which is a 9x9 block and it cost ⓚ1000. These plots are protected by the Worldguard plugin and powered by Advance Region Market. Other players cannot build or destroy your shop. Once you bought the shop you will be able to build in that plot. Remember this is 9 x 9 blocks but you can build from bottom to top, but you need to know that the spawn area has a barrier block. You should not destroy the barrier block or you might get banned by the admin.
To buy one plot, you should click the sign and must have ⓚ1000 on your balance. If you successfully bought the plot, you should see your name on the sign. You can now start building your own shop. You can use Quickshop plugin. Remember you will not be able to build outside the plot 9 x 9 area.
/arm settplocation - you can set your tp location just stand on that area and type the command
/arm settplocation delete - if you want to delete the tp location you can use this command.
/arm addmember [REGION] [PLAYER] - you can also add member
/arm gui
Keep in mind the plot has names like ps1, ps2 ps3 etc...
If you have problems and issues regarding your plot. Just use this form CLICK HERE