Command Help GUIDE
These are the list of commands used at the server. It depends on your ranks if you can use them or not. Check the links for tutorial.
Player Shop Market - if you bought a region on the player shop area at the spawn area. You will be able to build in that area. You can build your shop and this land is protected. You can use Quickshop commands and some world guard commands. Player shops inside the spawn's price is 1000ⓚ
/arm settplotlocation <playershop name> -To set your tp location inside your shop. Check the name of your shop on the sign. (ps1,ps2,ps3etc)
/arm tp [playershop]]
/arm addmember [playershop name] [player] -if you want to add members of your shop
Angel Chest - Never lose your stuff.
/acgui-Shows the AngelChest GUI containing a list of all your AngelChests and allows you to do everything that's possible with the other commands
/acinfo-Lists all your AngelChests and allows you to unlock them, teleport yourself to them or teleport them to yourself
/acunlock-Unlock your existing AngelChests for all other players.
/actp-Allows you to teleport yourself to your AngelChests
/acfetch-Allows you to teleport your AngelChests to yourself
/actoggle-Allows players to enable/disable spawning of AngelChests
/acgraveyard-Edit your graveyards ingame
Bookshelf: you can use bookshelves to store your books
No commands
Check Commands here CLICK HERE
Character Cards:
/char name [first name] {last name} {title} - Sets the name of your character
/char gender [male/female/other] - Sets the gender of your character
/char age [age] - Sets the age of your character
/char desc [description] - Adds a brief description of your character
/char desc add [description] - Adds text to an existing description
/char desc clear - Clears the card's description
/char view {playername} - View another player's character card
CMI Commands
/cmi jail
/cmi cuff
/cmi ban
/co i - to inspect
/co rollback ( for staff only)
ComplexTurrets: NOT READY YET
Check Commands here CLICK HERE
/coordinated toggle
/geyser offhand
/sit (/gsit) -> Sit on a Block
/lay (/glay) -> Lay on a Block
/bellyflop (/gbellyflop) -> BellyFlop on a Block
/spin (/gspin) -> Spin on a Block
/crawl (/gcrawl) -> Crawl on the ground
/tpa * for VIP members only
Job Reborn:
Petblock: Not WORKING
/petblock - Opens the PetBlock GUI
/petblock toggle - Activate or deactivate your pet
/petblock call - Teleports the pet to your player
/petblock rename <name> - Changes the name of the pet
/petblock skin <name> - Changes the skin of the pet